Monday, October 9, 2017

A Drink to Eliminate Gout?

I have my doubts, when it comes to a drink to eliminate gout [1]: “THIS 4-INGREDIENT DRINK WILL ELIMINATE YOUR GOUT AND JOINT PAIN FOREVER!”
“Are you aware that cucumber juice helps bring down body temperature”, asks the article. Fever isn’t a problem as long as patients are treated with NSAIDs [Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs]. The beverage should also be “effective for removing uric acid crystalization in joints”. First comes treating pain and inflammation, as gout pain is excruciating. Reducing uric acid immediately could mean inducing a new gout attack. However, once the acute gout attack is treated, one can start reducing the level of uric acid.

The juice contains half a medium-sized cucumber, two ribs of celery, a slice of lemon, and a one-inch piece of young ginger root. I like all of it and you’ll get a healthy juice, but that’s it. There isn’t any proof that this reduces pain or removes uric acid. I’ve checked PubMed, really nil!

I don’t think that this advice is a form of self-help, it’s rather self-torture. Drink it, if you want to drink a healthy juice, but see you doctor if you suffer from gout.




  1. Vielen Dank im interessanten und interessanten Artikel!
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    1. Da wird einem Honig um Maul geschmiert ... aber es ist doch nur Spam. Es hat nichts mit Gicht zu tun. Und außerdem ist es Deutsch als Antwort zu einem englischen Blogpost.
